
Warrenton Water Softener Installation and Filters


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Rent your Culligan system for six months before you decide to buy! All payments go towards your purchase price.

Get $350 off a water softener + reverse osmosis water filter combo installation!  
*HE softener. Restrictions apply. Call for more details.

What’s In Your Warrenton, VA Water?

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The Proof

Why Do Warrenton
Homeowners LOVE Us?

Kendra T.
Star Star Star Star Star

I love the fact that I can fill my own water bottles! With warm weather finally sticking around, I’m still trying to gauge how many bottles we need per month so it’s great I can make a quick trip and refill, as needed.

Douglas S.
Star Star Star Star Star

Great service, friendly people, and EVERYTHING that we use water for is so much better. Especially the tea and coffee. Even the cat seems happier. I only wish I’d done this so much sooner.

Judith N.
Star Star Star Star Star

I like the convenience of the delivery and installation of the salt every few months. They also clean and change the filter on a regular basis


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The Best Water Softeners and Water Filters in Warrenton, VA!

With this combination of water resources, Warrenton, VA water quality often faces our share of water filtration and treatment issues:

Surface water, like rivers and snow melt, absorb contaminants that can be harmful for consumption as well as annoying around the home. Most of these contaminants include naturally occurring bio materials and minerals. This means water quality can worsen seasonally when warming temperatures contribute to algal blooms, or heighten water sensitivity to microorganism growth.

Ground water presents its own treatment challenges and filtration issues, so Northern Virginia residents with primarily ground water service may see different water problems than those using water from Northern Virginia’s surface water sources. Most often, these manifest as hard water problems which cause buildup on faucets and fixtures, and can be hard on appliances and plumbing.

Warrenton and the surrounding communities, from Warren to Shenandoah County, access drinking water from many sources. With such a large population, Virginia residents have to rely on combinations of natural and municipal resources to meet the area’s growing water needs.

City water comes primarily from the South Fork of the Shenandoah River with additional water coming from Happy Creek and Sloan Creek, where it travels through an enormous, concrete aqueduct before reaching the municipal treatment centers.

Water Treatment in Northern Virginia

One of the biggest water challenges facing Warrenton and the greater Virginia area is water scarcity. As climate changes continue to intensify droughts, communities can expect to see cities invest in — and use — a greater variety of water resources to supplement unpredictable rivers and aquifers. As this process expands, the need for dependable, effective water filtration will become increasingly important.

At Culligan Warrenton, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality drinking water and whole home water filtration solutions, no matter where you live in the city, or what kind of water you have. Learn more about our filtering solutions for Northern Virginia tap water, and find the resources you need to address issues with your drinking water, today. 

Is Warrenton Tap Water Safe To Drink?

Environmental Working Group detected 20 contaminants in Warrenton tap water where levels reached above their recommended guidelines. This includes chloroform, HAA5, nitrates, TTHMs, and radium.


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