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Drinking Waterdog and cat

The Best Drinking Water for Pets, And How to Get It

Almost 70% of American households have at least one pet, however, their hydration probably isn’t something we spend much time thinking about. Just like humans, our furry companions are made up mostly of water, and are highly dependent on it for optimal health. The bottom line is, if you’re concerned about the water you’re putting in your body, you should give that same concern to any dogs or cats drinking the same water. Tap water...

Drinking Water

Fluoridated Water 101: Understanding This Common Water Additive

Fluoride in water is common in many water systems around the United States, and has been since the mid 1940s. However, recently the practice of adding fluoride to municipal supplies has come under increased scrutiny. Many communities are taking a second look at fluoridation levels and motivations, and as the debate continues, it’s a good idea to know some basics about fluoride and its legacy in this country. What is Fluoride? Fluoride is a fairly...

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Water News

"And The Winner Is...Water!"

Culligan Water rolled out its new brand campaign Sunday night during the Golden Globes, and it was a big hit. The ad, in which Cary Elwes (sort of) reprises his role from The Princess Bride, was received by 19 million U.S. viewers, plus an additional 3 million in Canada. Check it out! Want to know more about how you could give your people Culligan Water? Schedule a free water test today!

Your Water

Chromium 6 – Are you drinking Chromium 6 in your water?

The name “Erin Brockovich” has begun popping up in the media again. Why you ask? This once popular movie is now becoming a reality for over 200 million Americans. The “Erin Brockovich” carcinogen, chromium-6, is back. Chromium-6, the cancer causing toxin, is threatening the tap water supply of millions of Americans across all 50 states. Don’t be one of the 200 million Americans whose health is threatened by this deadly carcinogen, call your local Culligan...

Your Water

Introducing Culligan Clear Link Pro

When you’re thirsty and in need of some refreshing, thirst-quenching water, you reach for the fridge and realize there’s no bottled water. Oh no! What do you do since your tap water tastes so bad? It’s time to introduce yourself to in-home water filtration systems featuring reverse osmosis technology. What is Reverse Osmosis and how does it work with tap water? Reverse Osmosis filtration is a process in which small particles (such as salts and...


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